Friday, October 16, 2009

I love Rory Sutherland... tinkering with perception

I have been waiting for this video to be uploaded as I knew it would be great. He is hugely entertaining but has an ever adapting mind which continues to have a very central core, but can adapt to whats going on around him at the lightening speed in which we now live. He doesnt talk about social media, he gets involved.

In this video he demonstrates some fantastic ways of reframing things around people's perception. Which I dont think we often do enough of in terms of what we do with clients and their brands. I love his quote ' persuasion is often better than compulsion'... briliant

He also comments that 'changing the interface by which people make decisions and the vary nature of their decisions changes'.

I think people always think of the word interface as being for technology or the internet. But his comments see it in a much simplier human behavioural way, that could then be turned into a technology advantage for someone. As an interface is actually a boundary between two things. So how can we start to cut down that boundary

But lastly his use of the meaning of poetry... almost as an objective for the industry

'Poetry is when you make new things familiar, and familiar things new'

watch the video... his delivery is great. Also as the President of the IPA acts as a great advocate to people outside the industry.

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