Tuesday, October 28, 2008

'The messiness, the openess, the human characteristics makes people want to interact'

This is a great comment that I saw on this video which is an interview with Clay Shirky who I have written about before and think he is a down right genius. He is awesome an delivering analogies that make it all seem very simple.

In this video he discusses the fact that advertising feels its role is to deliver quality over qualities. Meaning everything has to be of high production quality like a Sony Balls ad. This is in fact restricting its interactivity of different stuff agencies are creating on the web. His view is that its not human and that people are too scared as they believe that there is another they can add. I completely agree with this. I also believe what is really interesting is how you combine the high spec nature that will continue with something that is a little more open and allows people to come in and cook (watch the video you will get the stupid link I made)

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